Helping Your Child Through their SATS

Like many parents of year 6 children up and down the country, not only will I bedoing the rounds and visiting schools to decide which ones we'll put on our secondary applications we also will be preparing our son for his SATS.

As parents we know our children better than anyone and despite reassuring them and telling them just to do their best we also know that their smiles can hide a million worries.

This will be my third time going through this and here are some tips I've picked up along the way.

Talk about them as early as possible
Start talking to your child about them as soon as possible. They'll be talking about it in school anyway so this way you find out what your child may feel stressed or unsure about or where they are struggling

Ease any anxieties
If you pick up that your child is anxious about the upcoming SATs then try to find out what is making them feel like that. Is there a specific aspect of the tests or just the tests in general and work on strategies to help them when they feel the most pressure. There are loads of articles online and YouTube videos that can help.

Speak to their teacher
If you or your child have any questions, concerns or worries make sure you speak to their teacher asap. They spend a lot of time with our children and know them pretty well. They'll be able to ease your mind or offer sources of info or support to help you deal with any concerns. Parent's evening are a great opportunity to bring up any quick issues but if you have a few things you want to discuss, make a list and arrange an appointment to speak to them.

Encourage them to complete homework
Reading daily and things like practising times tables may seem like small things but it really is all these little things that add up. Feeling confident in these things really goes a long way. You could also download, buy or borrow resources from your library to assist your child. Ask their teacher which ones will be the most help.

Ask what you can do
It may seem a really obvious one but sometimes the most obvious things are the ones we miss. Ask your child or their teacher what you can do to support them at home. 

Be patient
This one is the most important I think. Every child is different but when the time comes to taking the tests, you may find your child is more tired than usual, grumpy, tearful etc. Remember to be patient with them. Schools are supporting them but they will also be feeling the pressure to 'get it right' or 'be the best' so be prepared that they may need you to be just that little bit for patient.

Reassure them
There will be times when they are horrid little things but keep reassuring them that they are amazing and they will be just fine. As I said above, the confidence and reassurance goes a long way.

Wishing you and them all the love and luck.

Emma xoxo


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