
Showing posts from February, 2019

Meal Planning and Getting Back on Track

If you follow me over on Instagram or have read my previous blog post then you'll know that I have been a bit out of sorts of late. Blood test results have explained why I've been feeling so tired, I have an appointment with my consultant this week to discuss what else we can do to ease the pain in my back and legs due to my disability and with all the building work on the home straight(fingers crossed) I'm feeling a lot more positive....the bright weather is definitely a help too. That said, one thing that I find always helps keep me feeling on top of things and in control are lists and meal plans. Meal plans are a life saver for our family, they mean we know what we need to buy when we go shopping instead of picking up loads of unnecessary items, can organise meals around the kids activities, meetings, parents evenings etc and it means that we don't have to waste money on last minute take-aways. So below and keeping us on track this week is our meal plan.

When Life Doesn't Go To Plan

At the end of last year I made a plan, a relatively easy going one but none the less a plan. It was a plan to reach my goals and targets for this year both personal to me and family and home orientated ones. Then BAM life happened. Not in a bad way, just obstacles that we hadn't expected, delays on the things we had and that just derailed me.  One of my top priorities was to get back into the gym, yes for the health benefits but also because(and I mean this in the nicest way possible) there are times when I just need some alone time and to do something that is just for me and truth be told after a session I always feel cheery(good old endorphins!). That plan hit a snag because despite my best efforts, childcare, work and my health made it virtually impossible to get there. So intention number 1 has not gone to plan Short breaks and days out was a popular and frequent one one my 2019 Bucket List and although yes I know that we're only in February and still have 10 months

Is Your #FOMO Actually Causing You To Miss Out

#FOMO If you haven't seen these hash tag plastered all over social media recently where have you been? It stands for F ear O f M issing O ut. Whether it's moping over pictures of others partying, feeling envious of friends enjoying a meal out or even annoyed at a children's play date, how many times have you scrolled through your Instagram or Facebook feed and felt that you were missing out because you weren't at these events or even worse, weren't invited? Truth be told I used to feel like that a lot. Despite having a good social life, active family life, great friends and super supportive partner there was always a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I was missing out. I wasn't sure what exactly, but surely I was missing out on something right? All the fun everyone else was having? Maybe the amazing bonds people were making with each other? I mean, for me to be sitting there feeling left out with everything I had under my own nose I HAD